
Real Estate Tips and Advice

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Real Estate Tips and Advice

Are you thinking about buying a house? Or maybe selling your house? If so, you're probably looking for tips and advice to help you out. Well, you've come to the right place! On this blog, Our contributors share some of our best tips and advice on real estate, which will help you quickly sell your house at a great price or find the home of your dreams. So whether you're a first-time homebuyer or someone who has bought and sold a few properties already, read on for some helpful information. Please check back soon for all of the latest updates. Happy house hunting!


If You Think You Have a Rodent Infestation, How Can You Make Sure?

If you lay awake at night listening to scratching sounds, you may be worried about an infestation. But are they rats or mice, and how can you tell? More importantly, what should you do about this so you can sleep more soundly at night once more?

Understanding Behaviour

Many people are horrified to think they may have a rodent infestation, but it's nothing to be ashamed about. These creatures are never too far away from the outside of your home, no matter where you live. They are looking for opportunities and a good source of food or drink, so if they find a way to access your property, they won't ask for an invite.

Hunting for Evidence

As soon as you suspect an invasion, break out your best torch and start hunting. Look behind cupboards or closets, under the sink and in any darker crevices. You're looking for any signs of gnawing, ammonia-like odours and droppings. While it's not very pleasant to look closely at these droppings, they may help you to identify the type of creature. Rat droppings are much larger than the mouse equivalent and may be blunt at both ends, while the others may be pointed. If you notice the same type of dropping but of varying sizes, this may indicate that you have both adults and juveniles present in the house.

Predicting Behaviour

Once they are in, these rodents will tend to move in specific areas and create runways from the point of entry or nest to a water or food source. Along the way, they may shred any paper, cardboard or pliable material to help them build their nests.

Identifying the Creature

If you happen to catch sight of one of these creatures (and remember that they are mostly nocturnal), you can instantly tell whether it is a mouse or rat based on the size of the ears. Mice will have very big ears and small black eyes and tend to have longer tails. Also, a mature rat can be twice as large as a mature mouse.

Making Sure

If you're still unsure but have your suspicions, sprinkle some talcum powder or similar product in the general area and then check again in the morning. You may see tell-tale footprints.

Getting Professional Help

If you have an infestation, call the experts. They'll know what to do and will also help you locate the entry point, so you can avoid a repeat once you've cleared up the current situation. 

For more info about pest control, contact a local company.